Switzerland Exotic Cat Breeders Directory
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Gatti Calanda
Beulweg 30
8853 Lachen
We are a small cattery in the countryside near Zurich, Switzerland!
We are a very small Persian & Exotic cattery with an occasional litter: these cats are from a long line of PKD-DNA negative cats from the Shootingstar's Cattery near Zurich.
All cats in our home are part of the family and very well loved and cared for: all our kittens will be sold fully vaccinated, wormed, & micro chipped; but not before 12 - 14 weeks of age.
We are registered in two registries: FFH (Federation Feline Helvetique) and CFA!
Please only contact us if you have serious inquiries! Cats can be viewed by appointment!
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, FFH - Fédération Féline Helvétique
Categories: Exotic Breeders; Persian Breeders
Region: Switzerland
Hier finden Sie alles über die Rassekatze Perser, Exotic.
Perserpflegeservice, tips und tricks rund um die Perserkatze und Exotic Shorthair.
Categories: Exotic Breeders; Persian Breeders
Region: Switzerland