Oriental Cat Breeders Directory - Page 2
Categories > Cat Breeds > Oriental > Oriental Breeders
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Directory Listings - Page 2: Results 21-40 out of 132
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Cindylin Siamese & Orientals
43 Hodges Road
Healesville VIC 3777
0408 050727
We strive to breed for health, temperament & type, breeding many Best and Supreme in Show winners. Cindylin Siamese and Orientals is a home cattery in Healesville, Victoria, Australia. Registered FCCV.
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Victoria, Australia
www.foxall.com.au/users/cindylin/Compass Rose Cattery / Oshcats
Category: Oriental Breeders
Region: Florida
Regional Category: Florida Oriental Cat Breeders
www.oshcats.com/Cowboy Claws Cattery
2033 W McDermott Ste320 #253
Allen, TX 75013
(972) 335-4545
Long-time consistently operating cattery with written guarantees. Breeding for health and quality.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Cornish Rex Breeders; Devon Rex Breeders; Oriental Breeders; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Collin County, Texas
www.cowboyclaws.com/Cupcakes / S*Cupcakes
+46 (0) 60-611633
+46 (0) 76-1195465
Category: Oriental Breeders
Region: Sweden
Regional Category: Sweden Oriental Cat Breeders
www.cupcakes.se/DeLaSoul's / FIN*DeLaSoul's
+358 46 65 89 025
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic; Seychellois Breeders
Region: Finland
cattery.delasouls.googlepages.com/Derry Downs Cattery
P. O. Box 350
San Bernardino, CA 92402
(909) 882-3831
Categories: Javanese Breeders; Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: San Bernardino County, California
Oesterby Alle 270
8310 Tranbjerg
+45 51805696
I breed Peterbald and Oriental Shorthair cats on a small scale.
Registry: FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Denmark
www.marseen.dk/Fabiola Cats
Fabiola is a breeder of home-reared, pedigree Oriental Shorthair cats, Burmese, and Siamese based in Bath. We are a GCCF registered breeder.
Categories: Burmese Breeders; Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Somerset County, England
www.fabiola-cats.co.uk/Fursten's Siam Cattery / S*Fursten's
Siames & oriental, raskatter hos S* Fursten's katteri i södra Sverige. Eleganta, intelligenta och kärleksfulla, välkommen in på en titt!
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Sweden
www.furstens.se/Givani Cattery
Seychellois, Siamese, and Oriental cats are living at Givani Cattery. Online questions and answers are available.
We value own reputation and can help you to choose a cat for show, breeding, or home.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic; Seychellois Breeders
Region: Ukraine
www.siamskie.com/HotzCat Cattery
Plainfield, IL
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Categories: Colorpoint Shorthair Breeders; Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Will County, Illinois
www.hotzcat.com/Ideal Cat
"Ideal Cat" cattery is located in centre of Europe - Lithuania. All our cats live with us and sleep with us; we are fanatics about this breed. Peterbald cats are faithful companions! Those beautiful cats will steal your heart forever! This is unexplainable by words, but once you acquire a Peterbald, you will never change it to any other breed. Your life will be divided to two periods: before and after the Peterbald.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, WCF - The World Cat Federation
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Lithuania
www.peterbald.lt/Imladris Cattery
36 70 335 4533
36 30 221 2312
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Hungary
www.imladriscattery.hu/JoRene Cattery
(973) 335-3335
Siamese kittens raised underfoot.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, AACE - American Association of Cat Enthusiasts
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: New Jersey
www.jorenecattery.com/Just Oriamese
Oshawa ON
(905) 449-1263
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Ontario
www.justoriamese.com/Kat Attack
Categories: Colorpoint Shorthair Breeders; Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: California
www.kat-attack.com/Les Petites Bavardes -
3, rue du Clos à Genêts
50440 Sainte-Croix-Hague
+33 2 33 53 29 95
Elevage familial de chats Siamois et Orientaux en Cotentin. Les Petites Bavardes est une chatterie familiale située à Sainte-Croix-Hague, nous élevons des chats siamois et orientaux aux couleurs de robe variées.
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: France
www.lespetitesbavardes.com/MAAW *UA
+38 067 357 59 59
+380 44 467 41 95
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Ukraine
www.maaw.net/Madrigal Cattery
A cattery raising Balinese and Oriental Longhairs.
Categories: Balinese Breeders; Javanese Breeders; Oriental Breeders
Region: Massachusetts
sites.google.com/site/madrigalcattery/Maracai Cattery
Spraggs, PA 15362
(724) 627-7939
Oriental Shorthair cats and kittens.
Category: Oriental Breeders
Region: Greene County, Pennsylvania
Regional Category: Greene County, Pennsylvania Oriental Cat Breeders