North America Persian Cat Breeders Directory - Page 2
Categories > Cat Breeds > Persian > Persian Breeders
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Directory Listings - Page 2: Results 21-40 out of 244
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Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Persian Breeders
Region: California
Regional Category: California Persian Cat Breeders Cattery
Exotics, Himalayans & Persians.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association, ACFA - American Cat Fanciers Association, CFF - Cat Fanciers Federation
Categories: Exotic Breeders; Persian Breeders; Himalayan Breeders
Region: Bucks County, Pennsylvania Kitty Cattery
(207) 212-8492
Category: Persian Breeders
Region: Maine
Regional Category: Maine Persian Cat Breeders Cattery
Bunnell, FL 32110
BooKats is a CFA registered cattery and located in central FL. We specialize in silver and golden kittens from Champion pedigrees. All of my cats are a part of the family and are lovingly raised under foot. The kittens are well socialized and come with a written health guarantee & a FL Health Certificate from my vet. PKD (UC Davis tested), FIV, FeLuk negative, mite, flea, and fungus free guaranteed. Please stop by my website for a visit!
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Persian Breeders
Region: Flagler County, Florida
Regional Category: Flagler County, Florida Persian Cat Breeders Kittens
4255 South Buckley Rd
Aurora, CO 80013
(303) 752-2287
Gorgeous Persian kittens for sale. Specializing in rare colors and sizes including tea cup and toy Persians.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Persian Breeders; Himalayan Breeders; Munchkin Breeders; Napoleon Breeders; Ragaper Breeders
Region: Arapahoe County, Colorado's Persians and Himalayans
Burnet, TX 78611
"Raised in our hearts"... "Kittens with purr-sonality!"
Burton's Persians is a small cattery located in the Texas Hill Country. We raise Persians and Himalayans. Kittens are CFA and TICA registered. We strive to raise healthy, loving kittens that uphold the breed's standards. Our kittens are bred from titled show pedigrees.
Bred by FAITH - Raised by FAITH - Succeeding by FAITH
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Persian Breeders; Himalayan Breeders
Region: Burnet County, Texas
Persians breeders located in Pennsylvania. We are a small cattery breeding only Persians with all our Persians cats and kittens raised in our home.
Category: Persian Breeders
Region: Pennsylvania
Regional Category: Pennsylvania Persian Cat Breeders Cattery
Striving for excellence in Persian cats & Himalayan cats. Home of CFA top-award winning Persians & Himalayans since 1971.
Categories: Persian Breeders; Himalayan Breeders
Region: Texas Cattery
We are an in home Himalayan and Persian cattery breeding for show type. We specialize in the chocolate and lilac series. We are located in north central WV.
Categories: Persian Breeders; Himalayan Breeders
Region: West Virginia Cattery
Category: Persian Breeders
Region: New Brunswick
Regional Category: New Brunswick Persian Cat Breeders Persians
Camby, IN 46113
(317) 834-8283
Category: Persian Breeders
Region: Morgan County, Indiana
Regional Category: Morgan County, Indiana Persian Cat Breeders Paws Cattery
Categories: Persian Breeders; Christian Community
Region: South Carolina Persians
Millville, NJ 08332
(856) 327-0055
(516) 456-3393
Silver and gold Persian cats for sale in New Jersey.
Category: Persian Breeders
Region: Cumberland County, New Jersey
Regional Category: Cumberland County, New Jersey Persian Cat Breeders Cattery
(979) 324-0959
Persians, Himalayans, & Exotics.
Categories: Exotic Breeders; Persian Breeders; Himalayan Breeders
Region: Brazos County, Texas Crue Cattery
(605) 425-3352
Categories: Persian Breeders; Himalayan Breeders
Region: South Dakota W'Class Persian Cattery
Stevensville ON
(905) 382-2609
Purebred Persian cattery in Ontario, Canada. Specializing in chinchilla and shaded silver kittens and cats. Home Of The 2005 Royale Kittens!
Category: Persian Breeders
Region: Ontario
Regional Category: Ontario Persian Cat Breeders Persians
Category: Persian Breeders
Region: South Carolina
Regional Category: South Carolina Persian Cat Breeders KIMIA Himalayans
Myrtle Beach, SC
(843) 278-4994
Categories: Persian Breeders; Himalayan Breeders
Region: Horry County, South Carolina
(316) 772-2243
Persian, Himalayan, Siamese, and Oriental cats & kittens for sale. Cattery producing show quality felines. All color points, blue & copper eyed whites, parti & bi- colored, & solids, lilac and chocolate. Wonderful pedigrees and top blood lines.
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Persian Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic; Himalayan Breeders
Region: Kansas
Columbia, SC 29209
Exotic Short Haired, Persian & Himalayan cats in South Carolina and Florida. Specializing in chocolate and Lilac. DNA - PKD negative. Raised underfoot. Shipping available.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Exotic Breeders; Persian Breeders; Himalayan Breeders
Region: Richland County, South Carolina