Peterbald Cat Breeders Directory
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Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-20 out of 27
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Argentia Orientals
(705) 796-8482
Argentia Orientals is a small cattery dedicated to preserving the health, type, and temperament of the Oriental Shorthair, Siamese, and Peterbald breeds. It is our vision to ensure our selective lines maintain the elegance and refinement these breeds are known for, while producing intelligent, affectionate, and extremely loving companions. We are committed to maintaining extremely high standards for the care our companions receive and focus on quality over quantity, producing very few litters each year. In addition to kittens, we do look for special homes for retired breeding cats as well. Should you be seeking a wonderfully elegant, talkative companion, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Ontario*AT
We are a small Peterbald & Oriental cattery located near Vienna.
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Austria Bitis*PL
Ujejskiego 117
32-400 Myslenice
Peterbalds conquered our hearts in 2008. We knew long ago that we wanted a cat but couldn't come up with one right decision – which breed to choose. We had a Persian cat, and we were enthralled with its nobility and stoic non-occupied peace. We had a roofer that could charm with roguish beauty in turn with knavish character. A dog's loyalty and boundless devotion isn't foreign for us either. So we wanted a cat which would be equally unique, charming, one of its kind, and the best... hairless.
Registry: FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Peterbald Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Peterbald Cat Breeders / FIN*Birregin
Laitakuja 7 C
00760 Helsinki
Breeding healthy Orientals, Siamese and Peterbalds with great looks since 1999 in Finland. Special breeds: Seychellois & Peterbald.
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic; Peterbald Breeders; Seychellois Breeders
Region: Finland Heavenly
+ 31 (0) 621 455 321
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Netherlands Once Upon a Time
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Belgium Claws Cattery
2033 W McDermott Ste320 #253
Allen, TX 75013
(972) 335-4545
Long-time consistently operating cattery with written guarantees. Breeding for health and quality.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Cornish Rex Breeders; Devon Rex Breeders; Oriental Breeders; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Collin County, Texas*Marseen
Oesterby Alle 270
8310 Tranbjerg
+45 51805696
I breed Peterbald and Oriental Shorthair cats on a small scale.
Registry: FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Denmark Cattery
Brooklyn, NY
(347) 733-3649
Small Peterbald specifically oriented family cattery. Peterbald - the naked sphynx cat of Saint-Petersburg.
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Peterbald Breeders
Region: New York County, New York
Regional Category: New York County, New York Peterbald Cat Breeders
47841 Cattolica RN
Peterbald cat breeder; kittens for sale.
Registry: ANFI - Associazione Nazionale Felina Italiana
Category: Peterbald Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Peterbald Cat Breeders Cat
"Ideal Cat" cattery is located in centre of Europe - Lithuania. All our cats live with us and sleep with us; we are fanatics about this breed. Peterbald cats are faithful companions! Those beautiful cats will steal your heart forever! This is unexplainable by words, but once you acquire a Peterbald, you will never change it to any other breed. Your life will be divided to two periods: before and after the Peterbald.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, WCF - The World Cat Federation
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Lithuania
Urbino Pesaro
+39 349 5001581
Categories: Balinese Breeders; Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Italy Cattery
(250) 618-3684
PurrFound Cattery breeds Peterbalds and Savannahs. All kittens are health guaranteed, sold under a written sales agreement, and come with TICA registration papers.
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Savannah Breeders; Peterbald Breeders
Region: British Columbia Cattery
(503) 440-0048
Russian Peterbald and Oriental Short Hair cats and kittens.
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Oregon Cattery
Peabody, MA
(857) 225-2427
Breeder of hairless Don Sphynx and Peterbald cats.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, AACE - American Association of Cat Enthusiasts, CFF - Cat Fanciers Federation
Categories: Peterbald Breeders; Don Sphynx Breeders
Region: Essex County, Massachusetts Cattery
Driscoll Street
Peabody, MA 01960
(978) 587-3182
We are professional, experienced breeders of the rare Russian hairless feline breeds called the Don Sphynx and the Peterbald. We are located in Peabody, Massachusetts, and ship worldwide. These breeds are affectionate, loving social animals that do require care. All our kittens are fully vaccinated with a series of three vaccinations. All kittens come with a TICA registration slip and pedigree.
Please visit our website.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, AACE - American Association of Cat Enthusiasts, CFF - Cat Fanciers Federation
Categories: Peterbald Breeders; Don Sphynx Breeders
Region: Essex County, Massachusetts Cattery / FIN*Choose
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Finland Cattery
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Peterbald Breeders
Region: United States Cattery
D-47608 Geldern-Walbeck
+ 49 (0) 2831-1340737
+ 49 (0) 177-8722571
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic; Peterbald Breeders
Region: Germany Cattery von Dobschütz
D-64625 Bensheim
+49 6251 76758
+49 172 6242424
Hier stellt Familie Wagner ihre exclusive und hochwertige Hobby-Zucht der Rassen: Bengal, Serengeti und orientalisch Kurzhaar vor. Zeitweise haben wir Kitten aus TOP-Verpaarungen, sehr gut sozialisiert, charakterfest, gesund, mehrfach entwurmt, gechipt, geimpft gegen: Katzenschnupfen, - Seuche, Chlamydien, Leukose und Tollwut, mit 5-Generationen-Stammbaum, europäischem Heimtierausweis, Kaufvertrag, TICA-registriert und aktuellem Gesundheitszeugnis, abzugeben. Familie Wagner freut sich über Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.
Family Wagner is introducing their exclusive and premium breeding program of the following breeds: Bengal, Serengeti, and Oriental cats. From time to time, kittens are available from top matings. Very well socialized, lovable character, healthy, dewormed, chipped, vaccinated against RCP Ch FeLV and Rabies, 5 generation pedigree, European Identity Passport, sales agreement, TICA registered, and up-to-date health certificate are available. Family Wagner is looking forward to hear from you. Thanks.
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Bengal Breeders; Peterbald Breeders; Serengeti Breeders
Region: Germany