Poland Peterbald Cat Breeders Directory
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Regions > Europe > Poland
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Bella Bitis*PL
Ujejskiego 117
32-400 Myslenice
Peterbalds conquered our hearts in 2008. We knew long ago that we wanted a cat but couldn't come up with one right decision – which breed to choose. We had a Persian cat, and we were enthralled with its nobility and stoic non-occupied peace. We had a roofer that could charm with roguish beauty in turn with knavish character. A dog's loyalty and boundless devotion isn't foreign for us either. So we wanted a cat which would be equally unique, charming, one of its kind, and the best... hairless.
Registry: FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Peterbald Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Peterbald Cat Breeders
www.peterbalds.eu/Rama Thibodi*PL
85-022 Stronno Dobrcz
+48 510 679 877
+48 516 713 767
Hodujemy koty Syjamskie, Orientalne, Seszelskie i Peterbald.
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic; Peterbald Breeders; Seychellois Breeders
Region: Poland