Estonia Scottish Fold Cat Breeders Directory
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Anuler Cattery / Kasvandus
+ 372 5019146
Small cattery in Estonia breeding Bengals and Scottish Folds. All our cats live with us at home as family members.
Categories: Scottish Fold Breeders; Bengal Breeders
Region: Estonia
Visit Macrory's Facebook Page
75513 Uksnurme Kula Harju
Our cattery is devoted to Scottish and Highland Folds.
We have highly recognised cats with American and Canadian lines. They have World Champions as well as other top show class cats in their pedigrees. Cats for breeding are carefully chosen and long waited for.
The aim is to breed healthy, beautiful, and most importantly, well-tempered cats. Quality is more important than quantity. We have high standards, and there is lots of work before every decision. The pedigree, health, and looks have to be perfect.
Our cats live freely without cages in our friendly family. They are all regularly taken for veterinary checks and are DNA tested. I am glad that science has come that far for cats also. This will be an enormous jump in breeding because we can select only healthy cats and decrease or eliminate the risk of having ill kittens. This is the ultimate goal for any professional breeder.
Cattery Macrory is a TICA registered cattery.
We are also registered in WCF and ACF.
The Macrory cattery deals with two main lines - breeding Highland Folds with white and rare pointed color Scottish and Highland Folds. There are very few bicolored cats in Estonia, so this is the thing we want to develop here. We are one of the first to breed pointed cats here also - this will be a good challenge, but these bright blue eyes and very exciting exterior are worth it.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, WCF - The World Cat Federation
Categories: Scottish Fold Breeders; Highland Fold Breeders
Region: Estonia