Europe Scottish Fold Cat Breeders Directory
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Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-17 out of 17
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Anuler Cattery / Kasvandus
+ 372 5019146
Small cattery in Estonia breeding Bengals and Scottish Folds. All our cats live with us at home as family members.
Categories: Scottish Fold Breeders; Bengal Breeders
Region: Estonia / Redstacks Cattery
Dee Marsland-Round
Redstacks Cattery
New Haw
+44 1932 886728
Please come and meet my boys, girls and babies.
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders; Selkirk Rex Breeders
Region: Surrey County, England Doux Coeurs
Visit our web site dedicated to our Scottish Fold and British Shorthair cats. We are situated in France, Europe, and have been breeding Scottish Folds for many years. Have a look at our bears!
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: France du Coeur Flamand
5 Place de la Gare
59285 Arneke
+33 (0)6 84 03 15 10
We are a small cattery in the north of France. We breed only a single litter a year. All our cats live with us. Our passion began in our childhood, having been raised with animals of all kinds, including cats and dogs. Having always wanted a Scottish Fold and a British, we put ourselves in search of a Scottish Fold. Since 2009, we decided to breed Scottish Folds, Highland Folds, British Short Hairs, and British Longhairs in the colors blue, lilac, blue creme, creme, chocolate, and cinnamon.
Registry: LOOF - Livre Officiel des Origines Félines
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders; British Longhair Breeders; Highland Fold Breeders
Region: France Piccolo Trianon
Corso Lodi, 90
20100 Milano
Italian Scottish Fold cattery. WCF-AFI Association cattery. Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or e-mail for further information. We will answer your questions with pleasure.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Italy Gatto
Hello, my name is Alexandra. I am a breeder. I follow the professional guidelines during the breeding of my Scottish cats. It is based on the contemporary genetic and veterinary knowledge. All my cats and kittens are completely healthy, regularly screened by a veterinary doctor.
Also, all my kittens move into their new homes fully vaccinated, including vaccination against rabies.
They have a microchip, an international veterinary certificate, and a passport.
I also help with the delivery of my kittens around the world.
Many graduates of my cattery live in different countries: Russia, USA, France, Belgium, Poland, Thailand, Hungary, and others.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Categories: Scottish Fold Breeders; Highland Fold Breeders
Region: Ukraine Cattery
Visit Goldmine Cattery's Facebook Page
Scottish Fold cattery.
Good Day!
My name is Marina. I am a rightful owner of the cattery "Goldmine".
We are breeding: Scottish Fold, Scottish Straight, Highland Fold & Highland Straight сats.
The main colours of our cats are:
- yellow eyed ticked cats and their be-color variety;
- green eyed silver & golden shaded cats, silver & golden ticked cats and their be-color variety;
- blue eyed silver & golden shaded colour-point cats.
Registries: WCF - The World Cat Federation, ISFA - International Scottish Fold Association
Categories: Scottish Fold Breeders; Highland Fold Breeders
Region: Ukraine
Visit Macrory's Facebook Page
75513 Uksnurme Kula Harju
Our cattery is devoted to Scottish and Highland Folds.
We have highly recognised cats with American and Canadian lines. They have World Champions as well as other top show class cats in their pedigrees. Cats for breeding are carefully chosen and long waited for.
The aim is to breed healthy, beautiful, and most importantly, well-tempered cats. Quality is more important than quantity. We have high standards, and there is lots of work before every decision. The pedigree, health, and looks have to be perfect.
Our cats live freely without cages in our friendly family. They are all regularly taken for veterinary checks and are DNA tested. I am glad that science has come that far for cats also. This will be an enormous jump in breeding because we can select only healthy cats and decrease or eliminate the risk of having ill kittens. This is the ultimate goal for any professional breeder.
Cattery Macrory is a TICA registered cattery.
We are also registered in WCF and ACF.
The Macrory cattery deals with two main lines - breeding Highland Folds with white and rare pointed color Scottish and Highland Folds. There are very few bicolored cats in Estonia, so this is the thing we want to develop here. We are one of the first to breed pointed cats here also - this will be a good challenge, but these bright blue eyes and very exciting exterior are worth it.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, WCF - The World Cat Federation
Categories: Scottish Fold Breeders; Highland Fold Breeders
Region: Estonia Cattery
Scottish Fold cattery. Classic tabby, ticked tabby, and smoke colored kittens for breeding and for home. Our cats live in love and care. They have great qualities and win at the cat shows.
Want to take the Scottish kitten into another country? We will arrange all necessary documents and will be able to agree on a delivery!
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Ukraine
Regional Category: Ukraine Scottish Fold Cat Breeders Flakes Scottish
Via Borgo Visignolo 34
42031 Baiso
Italian Scottish Fold cattery. WCF-AFI-FIAF Association cattery.
Kittens with pedigree are available from healthy Fiv/Felv tested parents. The breeding cats come from some of the best international show lines and are selected for character and beauty.
You are welcome to visit our pages to see the photos of our cats and kittens.
Registries: FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Feline, WCF - The World Cat Federation
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Scottish Fold Cat Breeders Bello
Scottish fold & straight cattery in Kiev, Ukraine.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Ukraine
Regional Category: Ukraine Scottish Fold Cat Breeders'nte Sams
Jönköpingsvägen 50
567 33 Vaggeryd
+46-393-319 33
Categories: Scottish Fold Breeders; Turkish Angora Breeders; Turkish Van Breeders
Region: Sweden Logroño
26131 Logroño La Rioja
We breed British kittens in all colors with love and dedication.
We specialize in silver and solid.
We ship anywhere.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: SpainFirst Cat In The World
+ 380 445439848
Scottish Folds.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Ukraine
Regional Category: Ukraine Scottish Fold Cat BreedersHaus von Bupie
8842 Unteriberg
055 414 1150
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: SwitzerlandScottish Island
+38 (050) 330 10 08
Our breeding has 6 Champions of the World, 5 Grand International Champions, and 8 Grand European Champions.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Ukraine
Regional Category: Ukraine Scottish Fold Cat BreedersSilviya
+38 050 913 63 32
+38 050 383 36 34
Scottish Fold and Scottish Straight cattery. Kittens for sale.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Ukraine
Regional Category: Ukraine Scottish Fold Cat Breeders