United States Scottish Fold Cat Breeders Directory
Categories > Cat Breeds > Scottish Fold > Scottish Fold Breeders
- Highland Fold Breeders (0/0/0)
Regions > North America > United States
- Kentucky (119/0/0)
- Louisiana (64/0/0)
- Maine (16/0/0)
- Maryland (24/0/0)
- Massachusetts (14/0/1)
- Michigan (83/0/1)
- Minnesota (87/0/0)
- Mississippi (82/0/0)
- Missouri (114/0/1)
- Montana (56/0/1)
- Nebraska (93/0/0)
- Nevada (17/0/0)
- New Hampshire (10/0/0)
- New Jersey (21/0/0)
- New Mexico (33/0/0)
- New York (62/0/1)
- North Carolina (100/0/0)
- North Dakota (53/0/1)
- Ohio (88/0/0)
- Oklahoma (77/0/0)
- Oregon (36/0/0)
- Pennsylvania (67/0/1)
- Rhode Island (5/0/0)
- South Carolina (46/0/1)
- South Dakota (66/0/0)
- Tennessee (95/0/1)
- Texas (254/0/3)
- Utah (29/0/0)
- Vermont (14/0/0)
- Virginia (134/0/1)
- Washington (39/0/1)
- West Virginia (55/0/0)
- Wisconsin (72/0/0)
- Wyoming (23/0/0)
Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-20 out of 25
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9 Stagecoach Drive
Brookfield, MA 01506
(508) 867-5211
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Worcester County, Massachusetts
Regional Category: Worcester County, Massachusetts Scottish Fold Cat Breeders
www.adorafolds.com/Amber Snow Cattery
Blythewood, SC 29016
Pictures of show quality Scottish Fold cats and kittens. Amber Snow Cattery Scottish Fold kittens sometimes available for sale or adoption. British Shorthair kittens also!
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association, ISFA - International Scottish Fold Association
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Richland County, South Carolina
www.ambersnowcattery.com/Cheshiresmile Cattery
Brooklyn, NY
(646) 226-5605
(718) 368-0605
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Kings County, New York
(714) 926-5930
(714) 842-0771
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Orange County, California
www.cheshirsmile.com/Danlowe Cattery
Lancaster, PA 17604
(717) 786-4191
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association, ISFA - International Scottish Fold Association
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Regional Category: Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Scottish Fold Cat Breeders
www.catteryrow.com/danlowe/Foldom Scottish Folds
We are a small CFA cattery in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of central Virginia. My goal is to breed Sottish Folds for quality in health, temperament, and type, never quantity. All kittens are raised underfoot, loved, and spoiled.
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Virginia
Regional Category: Virginia Scottish Fold Cat Breeders
www.foldom.com/Front Page Kat
(858) 449-2171
Specializing in Scottish Folds and British Shorthairs.
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: California
www.frontpagekat.com/HolyFold Cattery
(423) 261-2049
(770) 715-5600
Scottish Fold kittens for sale.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Tennessee
Regional Category: Tennessee Scottish Fold Cat Breeders
www.holyfold.com/Katareece Cattery
15349 Hwy 154
Danville, AR 72833
(479) 576-2655
(479) 880-6767
The Scottish Fold cats or kittens are unique and adorable cats and make a great gift. Kittens from Katareece Cattery.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Yell County, Arkansas
Regional Category: Yell County, Arkansas Scottish Fold Cat Breeders
www.katareececattery.com/Kitilicious Cattery
Phoenix, AZ
Scottish Fold shorthairs and British Shorthairs in Phoenix, AZ.
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Maricopa County, Arizona
www.kitiliciouscattery.com/MacGilli Cattery
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
(760) 935-4540
MacGilli Cattery located in Mammoth Lakes, California, near Reno and Las Vegas. We are dedicated to breeding healthy and happy Scottish Fold cats. We offer kittens for sale.
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Mono County, California
Regional Category: Mono County, California Scottish Fold Cat Breeders
www.macgilli-scottish-fold-cats.com/Magafold Cattery
(509) 751-0132
(509) 552-9204
Breeding healthy, loving Scottish Fold cats. We occasionally have kittens for sale.
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Washington
Regional Category: Washington Scottish Fold Cat Breeders
www.magafoldcattery.com/Montessori Cats
Fort Lauderdale, FL
David & Caprice Townsend raise, show, sell, and ship purebred, pedigreed, registered cats and kittens. We share our beautiful waterfront home
in Ft Lauderdale, Florida, with wonderful cats.
Categories: Balinese Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders; Himalayan Breeders
Region: Broward County, Florida
www.montessoricats.com/Pegkens Scottish Folds
Registered with ACA, TICA, & CFA. Bred for affectionate personalities, lush coats, and excellent health. Veterinarian/breeder since 1985.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: California
Regional Category: California Scottish Fold Cat Breeders
www.pegkenscats.com/PenFold Scottish Fold Cattery
P.O. Box 823
Howell, MI 48844
(231) 282-4294
PenFold exquisite Scottish Fold kittens lovingly raised underfoot.
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Livingston County, Michigan
Regional Category: Livingston County, Michigan Scottish Fold Cat Breeders
www.penoir.com/penfold/Purrfect Folds Cattery
18004 S State Hwy 27
Plainview, AR 72587
(479) 272-2828
History of the Scottish Fold cat. Scottish Fold kittens make a unique and adorable gift.
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Izard County, Arkansas
Regional Category: Izard County, Arkansas Scottish Fold Cat Breeders
www.purrfect-folds.com/Quietimes Scottish Fold Cattery
180 John G Mine Rd
Helena, MT 59602
(406) 449-9799
(406) 439-3552
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Lewis and Clark County, Montana
Regional Category: Lewis and Clark County, Montana Scottish Fold Cat Breeders
www.scottishfold.com/Rejinald Cattery
Visit Rejinald Cattery's Facebook Page
Colorado Springs, CO
(719) 650-8481
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: El Paso County, Colorado
www.vegasbrits.com/Cats of Oz
Scottish Fold cats and kittens.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: California
Regional Category: California Scottish Fold Cat Breeders
www.catsofoz.com/SunSmoke Scottish Folds and British Shorthairs
Fort Worth, TX 76107
(817) 298-0955
Healthy Scottish Folds and British Shorthairs. Scottish Folds - long or shorthair in many colors. We only breed silver/gold chinchilla British Shorthair cats. TICA registered cattery. Socialized, happy kittens from Championship lines. Our cats our shown in both CFA and TICA cat shows. Health guarantee contract for every kitten. Scottish Fold and silver chinchilla British kittens.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Tarrant County, Texas