Serengeti Cat Breeders Directory
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Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-4 out of 4
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Kingsmark Farms
Mountain Center, CA 92561
(951) 659-4258
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Bengal Breeders; Serengeti Breeders
Region: Riverside County, California Cattery von Dobschütz
D-64625 Bensheim
+49 6251 76758
+49 172 6242424
Hier stellt Familie Wagner ihre exclusive und hochwertige Hobby-Zucht der Rassen: Bengal, Serengeti und orientalisch Kurzhaar vor. Zeitweise haben wir Kitten aus TOP-Verpaarungen, sehr gut sozialisiert, charakterfest, gesund, mehrfach entwurmt, gechipt, geimpft gegen: Katzenschnupfen, - Seuche, Chlamydien, Leukose und Tollwut, mit 5-Generationen-Stammbaum, europäischem Heimtierausweis, Kaufvertrag, TICA-registriert und aktuellem Gesundheitszeugnis, abzugeben. Familie Wagner freut sich über Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.
Family Wagner is introducing their exclusive and premium breeding program of the following breeds: Bengal, Serengeti, and Oriental cats. From time to time, kittens are available from top matings. Very well socialized, lovable character, healthy, dewormed, chipped, vaccinated against RCP Ch FeLV and Rabies, 5 generation pedigree, European Identity Passport, sales agreement, TICA registered, and up-to-date health certificate are available. Family Wagner is looking forward to hear from you. Thanks.
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Bengal Breeders; Peterbald Breeders; Serengeti Breeders
Region: GermanyNoahs Clarks Cats
(785) 820-7328
Homegrown Bengals from Kansas with great purrsonalities and awesome coat patterns.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, ACFA - American Cat Fanciers Association, TIBCS - The International Bengal Cat Society
Categories: Bengal Breeders; Serengeti Breeders
Region: KansasTribal Bengals
Mesa Gilbert border, AZ 85234
(480) 306-7428
Top quality Bengal kittens for those who want the best. Tribal Bengals is our home, and our Bengals are our family members. We care for them from birth and about them for life.
Our kittens are backed by regional and supreme grand champion bloodlines, whose parents are from two of the best and most well-known breeders internationally. This affords our kittens some of the best in structure and temperament, as these qualities are both genetic and of the highest importance.
Our kittens are raised by our family in our home and receive some of the best in nutrition and socialization, as well as all needed medical care through holistic and western practicing DVMs.
We are extremely friendly and easy to talk to. We welcome all inquiries: Bengal-related or general feline related. We are always willing to help where we can.
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Bengal Breeders; Serengeti Breeders
Region: Maricopa County, Arizona