Siberian Cat Breeders Directory
Categories > Cat Breeds > Siberian > Siberian Breeders
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Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-20 out of 125
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7 Cedars Ranch
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, TAIGA - Siberian Breed Club
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Colorado
Regional Category: Colorado Siberian Cat Breeders Siberians
Williamson, NY 14589
(315) 589-8485
Siberian cats from Akila Siberians have a dog's personality, are affectionate, loyal, and loving companions, and are also hypoallergenic.
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Wayne County, New York
Regional Category: Wayne County, New York Siberian Cat Breeders Siberians
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Japan
Regional Category: Japan Siberian Cat Breeders Siberians
Angara Siberians, located near Boston, MA, and convenient to all of New England, is a breeder of championship Siberians breeding for health, temperament, and show quality traditional and colorpoint, or Neva Masquerade, Siberian kittens.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association, TAIGA - Siberian Breed Club
Categories: Siberian Breeders; Neva Masquerade Breeders
Region: Massachusetts
Laaksotie 52 a
18 100 Heinola
+358 (0) 44 208 56 88
yasmin (at)
Siberian cattery. Siperiankissa kasvattaja.
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Finland
Regional Category: Finland Siberian Cat Breeders' Cattery / Chatterie d'Artannes
83 300 Draguignan
+33 6 20 85 63 00
Bienvenue à la chatterie d'Artannes. Informations sur le chat SibéRien et le chat SibéRien neva masquerade ainsi que sur mes chats et mon élevage.
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: France
Regional Category: France Siberian Cat Breeders
+46 733261301
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Sweden
Regional Category: Sweden Siberian Cat Breeders Siberians
R.R. #2
Puslinch (near Guelph) ON N0B 2J0
Specialising in Neva Masquerade (lynx point) Siberians. Hypo-allergenic Siberian colour point kittens selectively bred from Russian imported lines. Offering 'pet/companion' & 'show/alter' kittens. Dedicated to preserving the native Russian cat and their unique hypo-allergenic qualities & 'dog-like' charm. Priorities: temperament, health & genetic soundness. Screening, and negative, for: FeLV, FIV & PKD. Written guarantee and after-sales support. Inquiries always welcome.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, CCA/AFC - Canadian Cat Association / Association Féline Canadienne
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Ontario
Regional Category: Ontario Siberian Cat Breeders Siberians
P.O. Box 2487
Chattanooga, TN 37409
Georgia breeder of hypo-allergenic Siberian kittens. Information on the Siberian cat breed, including Siberian kitten pictures, how to care for a Siberian kitten, available kittens, and why you should buy from a reputable breeder.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Hamilton County, Tennessee
Regional Category: Hamilton County, Tennessee Siberian Cat Breeders Siberian Cats
+44(0)1241 874346
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Scotland
Regional Category: Scotland Siberian Cat Breeders Nevamiya
Lange Nieuwstraat 490
1971GJ IJmuiden Noord-Holland
Siberian cats and Neva Masquerade.
We have 1 or 2 times a year kittens for sale.
Please contact us for more information.
We are members of Saint Pro Cat.
Registry: - NEOCAT
Categories: Siberian Breeders; Neva Masquerade Breeders
Region: Netherlands
Denver, CO
(720) 747-9441
(720) 365-0017
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Colorado
Regional Category: Colorado Siberian Cat Breeders Cattery
Siberian kittens for sale at Cica Cattery. If you are looking for a Siberian kitten, this is the Siberian cattery for you!
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association, ACFA - American Cat Fanciers Association, TAIGA - Siberian Breed Club
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: North America
Regional Category: North America Siberian Cat Breeders
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Maine Coon Breeders; Norwegian Forest Cat Breeders; Siberian Breeders
Region: Colorado Siberians
Philomath, OR 97370
Beautiful hypoallergenic Siberian cats.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Benton County, Oregon
Regional Category: Benton County, Oregon Siberian Cat Breeders Siberian Cattery
347 83 43 429
Allevamento amatoriale del gatto siberiano ad Ornago (MB).
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Siberian Cat Breeders Siberians
Lovingly home raised Siberian kittens in southwestern Ontario. TICA reg'd. Champion lines producing various traditional colours, including silver, golden, brown, red, and tortie.
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Ontario
Regional Category: Ontario Siberian Cat Breeders Siberians
Western, NY
(716) 882-1133
Healthy, happy and humorous Siberian cats and kittens to warm your heart, home, and lap.
Our beautiful Siberians descend directly from pure Russian Siberians. We import for health, low inbreeding, and the proper forest cat look.
We care for your kitten just the way you want - the best food, playmates, toys, and climbers, embraced by family, and with plenty of space to run and play.
We have the true traditional Siberians in browns, torbies, silver, and blues that you are looking for.
We are here for you not only when you are adopting, but afterwards, for the life of your cat!
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Erie County, New York
Regional Category: Erie County, New York Siberian Cat Breeders Siberians
Siberian cats and Siberian kittens from Fuzzy Siberians of Colorado, a Siberian cat breeder. hypoallergenic cat with a dog's personality. Affectionate, loyal, and loving companions from a top Colorado cat breeder.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Colorado
Regional Category: Colorado Siberian Cat Breeders Dawn Siberians
Marysville, CA 95901
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Yuba County, California
Regional Category: Yuba County, California Siberian Cat Breeders