Spain Sphynx Cat Breeders Directory
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Mario's Sphynx
C/Pamplona 59
28039 Madrid
El paraíso de los gatos de raza sphynx o gato sin pelo. Un lugar donde los gatos de raza sphynx se crían en ambiente familiar. Mas de 20 ejemplares ganadores de exposicones avalan nuestra calidad.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Categories: Sphynx Breeders; Munchkin Breeders; Bambino Breeders
Region: Spain Sphynx
Monzon / Huesca
0034 619571669
0034 605608807
We, Maribel and Jose Mari, animal lovers (especially of Sphynx cats), are dedicated to selecting the best blood lines in order to get future champions and improve the race of the Sphynx. We belong to a Spanish club, ASFE, where we are registered as breeders of Sphynx.
We're in a pretty village in the foothills of the Pyrenees Aragones called Monsoon, where our cats live with us and Wini, our dog.
Registry: ASFE - Asociación Felina Española
Category: Sphynx Breeders
Region: Spain
Regional Category: Spain Sphynx Cat
+34 692423194
Sphynx cattery located in Spain. HCM, felv, and fiv tested negative. Sphynx kittens available on occasion.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Category: Sphynx Breeders
Region: Spain
Regional Category: Spain Sphynx Cat Breeders