Cat Organizations Directory - Page 2
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Directory Listings - Page 2: Results 21-40 out of 55
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Fédération Internationale Féline - FIFe
An introduction of the Fédération Internationale Féline, a major international cat fanciers' federation whose aim is to protect and preserve the various breeds of pedigree cats.
Category: Organizations Danica
Category: Organizations
Region: Denmark
Regional Category: Denmark Cat Organizations State Cat Club
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Organizations
Region: New Jersey
Regional Category: New Jersey Cat Organizations Cat Club
Houston, TX
Category: Organizations
Region: Texas
Regional Category: Texas Cat Organizations Cat Association Northeast Region, The - TICA NE
Show schedule and information about regional members.
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Organizations
Regions: Canada; Connecticut; Maine; Massachusetts; New York; Rhode Island; Vermont Cat Association, Inc., The - TICA
PO Box 2684
Harlingen, TX 78550
(956) 428-8046
TICA is one of the world's largest registries of household pet cats and kittens. Household pet cats and kittens adopted from shelters or rescued off the street compete for titles and international and regional awards, just like pedigreed cats.
Category: Organizations Dancing Cat Club, The - JDCC
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Organizations
Region: Japan
Regional Category: Japan Cat Organizations Racekatte Klub - JYRAK
Category: Organizations
Region: Denmark
Regional Category: Denmark Cat Organizations Kucing Malaysia / Malaysian Cat Club - KKM / MCC
Category: Organizations
Region: Malaysia
Regional Category: Malaysia Cat Organizations Officiel des Origines Félines - LOOF
Category: Organizations
Region: France
Regional Category: France Cat Organizations Island Cat Fanciers, Inc - LICF
Registry: CFF - Cat Fanciers Federation
Category: Organizations
Regions: Kings County, New York; Nassau County, New York; Queens County, New York; Suffolk County, New York
Onze vereniging draagt de naam Sociëteit van Kattenliefhebbers NEOCAT en is opgericht op 30 juni 1968.
De Sociëteit van Kattenliefhebbers NEOCAT heeft ten doel het bevorderen van en wekken van belangstelling voor het op verantwoorde wijze houden en/of fokken van katten.
De Sociëteit van Kattenliefhebbers NEOCAT is ondertussen uitgegroeid tot één van de grootste kattenverenigingen van Nederland met zo'n 1800 leden.
Tweemaal per jaar organiseren wij een show, op de laatste zondag in januari wordt de grootste show van Nederland (1100 katten) georganiseerd door NEOCAT in de Veemarkthallen in Utrecht, daarnaast houden we in september onze “kleine” show in de Jan Massinkhal in Nijmegen. Ontzettend gezellig en ook altijd nog met meer dan 600 katten.
Ook veelvuldig bezocht door onze Oosterburen met hun fraaiste katten.
Kom gerust eens kijken op één van onze shows, er zijn behalve héél véél katten ook allerlei leuke stands met b.v. mandjes, speeltjes, klimpalen en ook kattenvoer en kattengrit.
Category: Organizations
Region: Netherlands
Regional Category: Netherlands Cat Organizations Hampshire Feline Fanciers - NHFF
New Hampshire Feline Fanciers (NHFF) is a not-for-profit CFA club holding New Hampshire shows in January and July. Find information on the club's objectives, shows, membership, member websites, and links to feline resources, including organizations we donate to: shelters for the care of homeless and abandoned cats, early spay-neuter programs for cats inappropriate to breeding, and tax exempt organizations to promote the research of feline diseases.
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Organizations
Region: New Hampshire
Regional Category: New Hampshire Cat Organizations Rasekattklubbers Riksforbund - NRR
Category: Organizations
Region: Norway
Regional Category: Norway Cat Organizations Feline Fanciers - PFF
Phoenix, AZ
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Organizations
Region: Maricopa County, Arizona
Regional Category: Maricopa County, Arizona Cat Organizations Feline Fanciers
Portland, OR
A CFA cat club and charitable organization.
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Organizations
Region: Oregon
Regional Category: Oregon Cat Organizations Kattklubbars Riksförbund - SVERAK / Sweden Cat Clubs Association
Åsbogatan 33
504 56 Borås
033-10 15 65
Kattförbundet SVERAK.
Category: Organizations
Region: Sweden
Regional Category: Sweden Cat Organizations Inc.
Oklahoma City, OK
Category: Organizations
Region: Oklahoma
Regional Category: Oklahoma Cat Organizations Cat Association, Inc. - TCA
PO Box 178
Heisson, WA 98622
One of the world's largest registries of traditional and classic cats! It all started here, and it continues with your support.
Category: Organizations Feline Club, The
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Organizations
Region: Westchester County, New York
Regional Category: Westchester County, New York Cat Organizations