Deschutes County, Oregon Cat Directory and Kittens For Sale
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Regions > North America > United States > Oregon > Deschutes County
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Redmond, OR 97756
CFA Himalayan, Persian, and Sphynx cats! A small cageless cattery focusing on breeding and showing closest to the standard. Occasional pet kittens available, and breeder kittens to select catteries outside show region 2.
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Categories: Persian Breeders; Sphynx Breeders; Himalayan Breeders
Region: Deschutes County, OregonPhatkat Exotics
Redmond, OR 97756
(360) 936-9226
CFA Exotic Shorthairs. Exotics with winning lines. For pet or show. Shipping available. Health guarantee. PKD neg cats.
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Exotic Breeders
Region: Deschutes County, Oregon
Regional Category: Deschutes County, Oregon Exotic Cat Breeders