Italy Cat Directory and Kittens For Sale - Page 2
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Directory Listings - Page 2: Results 21-36 out of 36
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Surya Bengal
via Tombetto n.11
40056 Crespellano
0039 3389303569
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, TIBCS - The International Bengal Cat Society
Category: Bengal Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Bengal Cat Breeders
We breed charming Bengals out of top American lines. One of our main goal is to breed Bengals with consistently whited bellies.
Our kittens live and are brought up in our family in quiet and stress-free surroundings.
Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or e-mail for further information. We will answer your questions with pleasure.
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Bengal Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Bengal Cat Breeders's Blue
+39 0342/215276
+39 340/2866362
Allevamento gatti Blu di Russia. Cuccioli blu di Russia.
Category: Russian Blue Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Russian Blue Cat Breeders Siberian Cattery
via Piero Delfino Pesce n 30
Mola di Bari
Allevamento del magnifico gatto Siberiano Russo, magnifiche linee di sangue, riproduttori privi di consanguineità, non pratichiamo l'imbreeding, testiamo i nostri gatti per hcm e pkd. Rispetto di salute e standard!
Registry: FIAF - Federazione Italiana Associazioni Feline
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Siberian Cat Breeders Fontane Cattery
34138 Trieste
Categories: Exotic Breeders; Persian Breeders
Region: ItalyBlau Reiter
00141 Roma
Allevamento Italiano gatti Certosini - Italian Chartreux cattery. Inzillo & Sforza.
Registry: ANFI - Associazione Nazionale Felina Italiana
Category: Chartreux Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Chartreux Cat BreedersBluintenso
21020 Mercallo VA
+39 0331 968463
Small hobby breeder of modern type Siamese, registered in Fife 2009. Our cattery is situated in beautiful Lago Maggiore area in north Italy. Kittens with pedigree are available a couple of times/year from healthy Fiv/Felv tested parents. The breeding cats come from some of the best international show lines and are selected for character and beauty.
The kittens will go to new indoor homes with Fife-pedigree, vaccinated, and microchipped, to be loved and pampered for ever. You are welcome to visit our pages to see the photos of our cats and kittens.
Registry: FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Classic Siamese Cat BreedersCancun Persians
64029 Silvi Marina
Categories: Exotic Breeders; Persian Breeders
Region: ItalyEnisej
Briosco MI
Gatto Siberiano allevamento.
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Siberian Cat BreedersGipsyland
Allevamento amatoriale di British Shorthair.
Category: British Shorthair Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy British Shorthair Cat BreedersHadden Allevamento Amatoriale Persiani & Exotics
TO Scalenghe
Questo sito vuole essere un piccolo spazio dedicato alla mia grande passione, i gatti Persiani & Exotics sono di alta genealogia linee di sangue: Latin Lover, D Eden Lover, Fashioncat, Kuorii, One-O-One Dei Magi, Regno di Aslan, Argentovivo, Oxalis, Steeplechase, Araba Fenice, e Baral's.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Categories: Exotic Breeders; Persian Breeders
Region: ItalyJadeye Cattery
Allevamento gatti Korat. Korat cattery. Breeding since 1993.
Category: Korat Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Korat Cat BreedersRoman Bengals
+39 3400810471
Allevatori di gatti Bengal.
Breeder of Bengal cats.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, TIBCS - The International Bengal Cat Society, TIBCC - The International Bengal Cat Connection
Category: Bengal Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Bengal Cat BreedersSiberian Baikal
00 39 (333) 449.7667
Allevamento gatto Siberiano con affisso WCF - Siberian Baikal - alleva con amore e passione gatti siberiani e Neva Masquerade (Siberian Cat) di alta genealogia. I nostri gatti vivono con noi in casa (non in gabbie). I cuccioli vengono ceduti con pedigree, vaccinazioni, microchip, e sverminati. Vieni sul nostro sito e contattaci per qualsiasi informazione.
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Siberian Cat BreedersSupa Siamese
06126 Perugia
+39 335 5325994
Category: Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Classic Siamese Cat BreedersTemplum Lunae
40020 Casalfiumanese BO
Our cattery is in the province of Bologna. Our Coons live with us. We breed with love and passion. We take care of their health, and we don't sell Heterozygous HCM for reproducing. We select them based not only on health but also on personality and good coloring, of course. The kittens leave the house when they are 3 months old with their pedigree, a health certificate, and a book of health.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Category: Maine Coon Breeders
Region: Italy
Regional Category: Italy Maine Coon Cat Breeders