Poland Cat Directory and Kittens For Sale
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Regions > Europe > Poland
Kitten Listings
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Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-20 out of 24
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A&O*PL British Shorthair Cattery
Visit A&O*PL British Shorthair Cattery's Facebook Page
Zalesie Górne
+ 48 783 052 190
Polish cattery specializing in breeding British cats in chocolate and chocolate-colored variations. Ex. chocolate tortie, chocolate with white, and in the short future, chocolate tabby.
You're welcome to visit my website and contact me via email.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Category: British Shorthair Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland British Shorthair Cat Breeders
www.britcats.pl/Agilis Cattus*Pl
+48 792 927 451
Welcome to our British Shorthair cattery. We present our cats, information about the breed, breeding, and kittens for sale.
Category: British Shorthair Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland British Shorthair Cat Breeders
www.agiliscattus.com/Ami VanDolls*PL
Welcome to our small home Ragdoll cattery Ami VanDolls!
Registries: 1. DEKZV - 1. Deutscher Edelkatzen Züchterverband e.V., FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Ragdoll Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Ragdoll Cat Breeders
Visit AniKotek*PL's Facebook Page
Hodowla AniKotek*PL wita serdecznie.
Jesteśmy małą wyłącznie domową hodowlą przepięknych kotów Rag Doll zrzeszoną w Polskiej Federacji Felinologicznej -Felis Polonia
Kociaczki będą gotowe do opuszczenia naszego domku, po ukończeniu 12 tygodnia życia. Maluszki będą dwukrotnie odrobaczone, zaszczepione, nauczone korzystania z kuwety i drapaka oraz otrzymają bogatą wyprawkę.
Osoby zainteresowane zapraszamy do kontaktu telefonicznego, oddzwonimy, lub mailowego.
Category: Ragdoll Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Ragdoll Cat Breeders
+48 53 53 53 666
Specializing in bi-colors and white solids with blue odd eye genes.
PKD DNA, FELV, and FIV tested cattery.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Persian Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Persian Cat Breeders
www.archidvx.pl/Bagira Persians & Exotics
Podkowa Lesna
(0048) 22 425 80 76
Specialising in bi-colors, solids & whites.
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Categories: Exotic Breeders; Persian Breeders
Region: Poland
www.bagiracat.com/Bella Bitis*PL
Ujejskiego 117
32-400 Myslenice
Peterbalds conquered our hearts in 2008. We knew long ago that we wanted a cat but couldn't come up with one right decision – which breed to choose. We had a Persian cat, and we were enthralled with its nobility and stoic non-occupied peace. We had a roofer that could charm with roguish beauty in turn with knavish character. A dog's loyalty and boundless devotion isn't foreign for us either. So we wanted a cat which would be equally unique, charming, one of its kind, and the best... hairless.
Registry: FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Peterbald Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Peterbald Cat Breeders
www.peterbalds.eu/Catroad Maine Coon Cattery
0048 501681198
We are Maine Coon breeders from Poland. Breeding since 2005. Please feel free to contact us.
Registry: FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Maine Coon Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Maine Coon Cat BreedersEstiBri*PL
Visit EstiBri*PL's Facebook Page
Our cattery specializes in British cats in the following colors:
- Silver shaded (ns11, ns12)
- Silver point (ns 11 33, bs 11 33, ns 21 33 etc.)
- Colourpoint (c 33, c 21 33, b 33, b 21 33, n 33, n 21 33, etc.)
Our cats reach high titles at the exhibitions of the federation FIFe and WCF.
We pay great attention to socializing kittens. Our breeding cats meet the highest standards for British breeds of cats.
We would be very pleased if our cats will appear in the plans of a foreign breeding cattery. We believe you will enjoy their success at exhibitions.
Registries: WCF - The World Cat Federation, FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; British Longhair Breeders
Region: Poland
Russian Blue Cats are our great passion; they are our love. We treat our cats as family members; they are very important to us. We cannot imagine life without them! We have 6 RUS cats. We are a member of The World Cat Federation (WCF).
Registries: WCF - The World Cat Federation, FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Russian Blue Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Russian Blue Cat Breeders
www.mojekoty.eu/Legenda Syberii*PL
Visit Legenda Syberii*PL's Facebook Page
Pabianice Lodz
We are glad to welcome you to visit our Siberian Cat Legenda Syberii*PL home page! We have beautiful cats and kittens!
Registry: FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Siberian Cat Breeders
www.legendasyberii.republika.pl/Maccala Maine Coons
+48 +22 855 47 98
48 606 309 778
Category: Maine Coon Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Maine Coon Cat Breeders
501 321 764
Hodowla Kotów Rasy Maine Coon.
Category: Maine Coon Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Maine Coon Cat Breeders
87-100 Torun
+48 535 351 333
+48 507 185 688
Cattery Mruczalscy from Torun. We are breeders of:
- British Shorthair cats
- Russian Blue cats
- Norwegian Forest cats
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Norwegian Forest Cat Breeders; Russian Blue Breeders
Region: Poland
Korat cats cattery. Little cattery with 2 Korat females with very good pedigrees.
Registry: FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Korat Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Korat Cat Breeders
www.koraty.eu/Special Agent*PL
41-412 Myslowice Silesia
Special Agent is Maine Coon cattery located in southern part of Poland. We are focused to breed healthy, beautiful cats. That's why they are carefully selected and tested for HCM, PKD, and HD. Social behavior and tender care are also our goals. Feel free to visit our site. See you on our pages!
Registry: FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Maine Coon Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Maine Coon Cat Breeders
specialagent.eu.interia.pl/De'TrojanS *PL
Canadian Sphynx cattery in Poland.
Registry: FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Sphynx Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Sphynx Cat Breeders
+48 608 52 42 88
Hodowla kotów bengalskich.
Bengal cat cattery.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Bengal Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Bengal Cat Breeders
+48 668495025
We are a small domestic cattery of the wonderful Maine Coon. We live next to Gniezno (Poland), and we are a members of Felis Posnania associated in FIFE.
Registry: FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Maine Coon Breeders
Region: Poland
Regional Category: Poland Maine Coon Cat Breeders
02-722 Warszawa
Hobby cattery of Maine Coons and Nebelungs. We are located in southern Warsaw, the capitol of Poland. Our cattery was founded in 2006. We are members of Deutsche Edelkatze e.V., German cat club, associated with the World Cat Federation.
Our cats are from very good lines and have titles – we still show them in international cat shows. As we want our kittens to be strong and healthy, females at Frotka cattery have babies less than once a year.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Categories: Maine Coon Breeders; Nebelung Breeders
Region: Poland