Tennessee Cat Directory and Kittens For Sale
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Regions > North America > United States > Tennessee
- Anderson County (0/0/1)
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Kitten Listings
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Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-20 out of 28
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Bounding Maines / Coon Mountain
Pedigreed Maine Coon kittens and cats. Regular & poly pawed Coonlets to cherish or show. Raised lovingly underfoot in our home. Delivery to much of the eastern seaboard available or visit us at the beach in northern Florida.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Maine Coon Breeders
Regions: Florida; Tennessee
www.boundingmaines.com/CFA Gulf Shore Region 3
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Organizations
Regions: Arkansas; Colorado; Kansas; Louisiana; Mississippi; New Mexico; Oklahoma; Tennessee; Texas; Wyoming
www.cfagulfshore.org/CFA Southern Region 7
The CFA Southern Region is the geographical region of CFA which encompasses the states of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Eastern Tennessee, Southern Kentucky, and Washington DC. The Southern Region is not only a place but a state of mind where a dedicated group of cat breeders, cat exhibitors, and cat lovers strive for the best for their own cats and all cats. So if you love cats and are interested in cat activities in the Southern states, you've come to the right place. This site for information about a cat show, cat club, and cat supplies in your area.
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Organizations
Regions: Alabama; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Maryland; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; District of Columbia
www.cfasouthern.org/F1 Savannah Cats
Visit F1 Savannah Cats' Facebook Page
Categories: Savannah Breeders; Bobcat Breeders
Region: Tennessee
www.f1savannahcats.com/HolyFold Cattery
(423) 261-2049
(770) 715-5600
Scottish Fold kittens for sale.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Tennessee
Regional Category: Tennessee Scottish Fold Cat Breeders
www.holyfold.com/JosiesMunchkins Cattery
(931) 425-0504
(931) 993-7948
Breeders of Munchkins, Napoleons, and Persians cats and kittens in chocolate, fawn, and lilac colors!
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Categories: Persian Breeders; Munchkin Breeders; Napoleon Breeders
Region: Tennessee
www.thecattycorner.com/Music City Kittys
(931) 593-3696
Ragdoll cattery in Tennessee. Breeder for Ragdoll kittens and kittys near Nashville.
Category: Ragdoll Breeders
Region: Tennessee
Regional Category: Tennessee Ragdoll Cat Breeders
www.musiccitykittys.com/Pink Palace Persians & Exotics
Categories: Exotic Breeders; Persian Breeders
Region: Tennessee
www.pinkpalacepersians.com/Tyjunsee Siamese & Colorpoint Shorthair
(931) 542-2190
Categories: Colorpoint Shorthair Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Tennessee
www.tyjunseesiamese.com/Autum Sun Bobtails
2784 Meadow Crest Lane
Sevierville, TN 37876
(865) 453-5997
American Bobtail Cats - breeder and contact information about Championship American Bobtail cats and American Bobtail kittens from Autum Sun Bobtails Cattery.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: American Bobtail Breeders
Region: Sevier County, Tennessee
Regional Category: Sevier County, Tennessee American Bobtail Cat Breeders
www.autumsunbobtails.com/Cartier Siberians
P.O. Box 2487
Chattanooga, TN 37409
Georgia breeder of hypo-allergenic Siberian kittens. Information on the Siberian cat breed, including Siberian kitten pictures, how to care for a Siberian kitten, available kittens, and why you should buy from a reputable breeder.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Hamilton County, Tennessee
Regional Category: Hamilton County, Tennessee Siberian Cat Breeders
www.cartiersiberians.com/Katy McFurr Siberians
Greenbrier, TN 37073
(615) 643-6707
We are a family based breeder that raises healthy, strong, Siberian kittens. Our kittens are raised under foot in our home. Siberian cats and kittens tend to be hypo-allergenic to many allergy suffering families. We feed a raw diet to promote their immune systems. Our cats and kittens are TICA registered.
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Robertson County, Tennessee
Regional Category: Robertson County, Tennessee Siberian Cat Breeders
Visit Longyearbyrn's Facebook Page
Knoxville, TN
(865) 659-3357
Norwegian Forest Cats.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Norwegian Forest Cat Breeders
Region: Knox County, Tennessee
Regional Category: Knox County, Tennessee Norwegian Forest Cat Breeders
www.longyearbyrn.com/McMillan Veterinary Clinic
426 Maple Street
Gallatin, TN 37066
(615) 451-0522
(888) 451-0522
Categories: Cat Groomers; Veterinarians
Region: Sumner County, Tennessee
www.mcmillanvetclinic.com/Prince Royal Bengals
(865) 483-5618
Beautiful Bengal cats for pets, show, and breeding! Wildly loving, wildly beautiful cats. Enjoy our Bengal-related games, puzzles, and other fun activities. Learn all about the breed, and send electronic Bengal postcards. Experience wild essence!
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, TIBCS - The International Bengal Cat Society
Category: Bengal Breeders
Region: Anderson County, Tennessee
Regional Category: Anderson County, Tennessee Bengal Cat Breeders
www.princeroyalbengals.com/Rags2Dazzle Ragdolls
Chattanooga, TN 37343
(423) 883-9222
Breeders of pure bred pedigreed beautiful spoiled Ragdoll kittens and cats with big, blue eyes and soft, bunny like fur.
All kittens come with a 2 year genetic health guarantee, have their shots to date, and have either TICA or CFA registration papers, and they are spayed or neutered before they leave us.
Our kittens are never caged, are well socialized, and grow up being handled by family and friends and also with our dog.
Parents are tested and are HCM negative.
We ship nationwide.
Registries: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association, TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Ragdoll Breeders
Region: Hamilton County, Tennessee
Regional Category: Hamilton County, Tennessee Ragdoll Cat Breeders
www.rags2dazzleragdolls.com/Regal Air Bengals
(731) 646-0898
Regal Air Bengals is a small cattery specializing in adorable Bengal cats for pet or show.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, TIBCS - The International Bengal Cat Society, TIBBA - The International Bengal Breeders' Association, Inc., TIBCC - The International Bengal Cat Connection
Category: Bengal Breeders
Region: McNairy County, Tennessee
Regional Category: McNairy County, Tennessee Bengal Cat Breeders
www.regalairbengals.com/Sezmoi Cattery
Nashville, TN
Sezmoi Cattery is a small cattery located in Nashville, TN, focusing on breeding healthy British Shorthairs for both the show ring and as loving pets! We are a new cattery and only have a few breeding cats. As such, all our cats and kittens receive personalized care and lots of love and attention!
We are working with established breeders all across the USA to get us the bloodlines and colors we desire to achieve our goals in breeding. We work primarily with solid blues, lilacs, their bi-color and dilute counterparts, and hopefully, chocolates really soon!
We will have kittens available occasionally for sale to pet/show homes. Feel free to email me with any questions that you might have about my cats. If you are interested in adopting a kitten from us, please send us an email with information about yourself and why your home would be a good home for our little furballs of love!
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: British Shorthair Breeders
Region: Davidson County, Tennessee
Regional Category: Davidson County, Tennessee British Shorthair Cat Breeders
www.sezmoicattery.com/Stonesriver Bengals
Smyrna, TN 37167
(615) 355-9957
We are a small in home cattery located in Smyrna, TN, just south of Nashville. All of our kittens are raised in our home with the family, which makes for well socialized kittens.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, TIBCS - The International Bengal Cat Society
Category: Bengal Breeders
Region: Rutherford County, Tennessee
Regional Category: Rutherford County, Tennessee Bengal Cat Breeders
We raise quality Bengal cats in Tennessee. Specializing in rosettes and a glittered pelt.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, TIBCS - The International Bengal Cat Society, TIBBA - The International Bengal Breeders' Association, Inc.
Category: Bengal Breeders
Region: Tennessee
Regional Category: Tennessee Bengal Cat Breeders