United Kingdom Cat Directory and Kittens For Sale
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Kitten Listings
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Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-20 out of 138
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Bengal Cat Club, The
The Bengal Cat Club is affiliated to The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy and promotes the welfare and well-being of Bengal cats in the U.K.
Category: Bengal Organizations
Region: United Kingdom
Regional Category: United Kingdom Bengal Cat Organizations
www.bengalcatclub.co.uk/British Ragdoll Cat Club, The - TBRCC
Category: Ragdoll Organizations
Region: United Kingdom
Regional Category: United Kingdom Ragdoll Cat Organizations
www.tbrcc.co.uk/Burmilla Cat Club, The - BCC
Category: Burmilla Organizations
Region: United Kingdom
Regional Category: United Kingdom Burmilla Cat Organizations
www.burmilla.co.uk/Cat Breeders Directory
Database of cat breeders by location and cat breeders from around the world. Find a cat breeder close to your location right now.
Categories: Directories; Reference
Regions: United Kingdom; North America
www.catbreedersdirectory.net/Freeads Cats For Sale
Visit Freeads Cats For Sale's Facebook Page
Find cats for sale in your local area; featuring British Shorthairs, Persians, and more. Check out the UK cats and kittens freeads online.
Category: Kittens For Sale
Region: United Kingdom
Regional Category: United Kingdom Kittens For Sale and Kitten Classifieds
Helpucover offer cat insurance, which helps cover for pet fees, death, missing cats, and travel cover. Please visit the site for a full range of policy offers.
Category: Cat Insurance
Region: United Kingdom
Regional Category: United Kingdom Cat Insurance
A breeder of hypoallergenic kittens - the Siberian Forest Cat. Nothing added, nothing taken away. A natural breed of semi-long haired cat from Russia.
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, - Siberian Cat Club, VCC - Viking Cat Club, FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: United Kingdom
Regional Category: United Kingdom Siberian Cat Breeders
www.siberianforestcats.co.uk/Maine Coon Cat Club - MCCC
0114 2692306
Registry: GCCF - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy
Category: Maine Coon Organizations
Region: United Kingdom
Regional Category: United Kingdom Maine Coon Cat Organizations
www.maine-coon-cat-club.com/Old-Style Siamese Club UK
Category: Siamese Organizations - Traditional
Region: United Kingdom
Regional Category: United Kingdom Traditional Siamese Cat Organizations
Visit PetShop.co.uk's Facebook Page
1 Stratford Enterprise Park
Timothy's Bridge Road
CV37 9YL
PetShop.co.uk is a home delivery pet shop dedicated to providing an efficient and cost effective service for pet owners. Our aim is to take the hassle out of buying and transporting bulky pet supplies, which are often heavy and expensive. Our user friendly website implements smooth transactions, and the step-by-step package tracking provides peace of mind. We are the first UK pet shop to offer our automated recurring order service, "Bottomless Bowl" - no contracts mean you can cancel at any time. With one quick purchase, customers set their requirements and frequency, then never have to think about buying pet food again and receive their orders as stated. Customer satisfaction is our main objective, which is why we offer a 30-day-money back guarantee and 99% of orders are shipped the same day. We sell all major manufacturer brands; offering up to 5,000 different products for an array of animals such as dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, guinea pigs, rabbits, and horses.
Category: Online Shopping
Region: United Kingdom
Regional Category: United Kingdom Online Shopping
www.petshop.co.uk/Siberian Cat Club, The
At The Siberian Cat Club, you will find a warm friendly welcome and a wealth of information about the Siberian Cat. The club is committed to the establishment and welfare of the Siberian cat in the UK.
Category: Siberian Organizations
Region: United Kingdom
Regional Category: United Kingdom Siberian Cat Organizations
www.siberian-cat-club.co.uk/Sphynx Cat Association
Visit Sphynx Cat Association's Facebook Page
Registry: GCCF - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy
Category: Sphynx Organizations
Region: United Kingdom
Regional Category: United Kingdom Sphynx Cat Organizations
www.sphynxcatassociation.co.uk/Viking Cat Club - VCC
Representing FIFe Norwegian Forest Cats in the UK.
Category: Norwegian Forest Cat Organizations
Region: United Kingdom
Regional Category: United Kingdom Norwegian Forest Cat Organizations
www.vikingcatclub.co.uk/Abychat Abyssinians
01759 302637
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, GCCF - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline
Category: Abyssinian Breeders
Region: England
Regional Category: England Abyssinian Cat Breeders
01283 556976
This is the web site of Alan and Trisha Baker and their Turkish Van and Norwegian Forest Cats.
Categories: Norwegian Forest Cat Breeders; Turkish Van Breeders
Region: Derbyshire County, England
www.alantris.co.uk/Alsoomse Pixiebob
+44 (0) 1984 633028
07779 004226
Alsoomse are proud to be a foundation cattery of this rare and unique breed in the UK. Being one of the first to import and breed Pixie Bobs, Alsoomse have been specialist breeders of quality Pixie Bobs since 2004. Although we have had breeding experience for many years with dogs, cats, and rescue, it was then we started our hobby breeding program with the Pixie Bob. We offer outstanding Pixie Bobs available as pets, for show, and for breeding. We are very proud to be one of the top show catteries in the UK and Europe and are thrilled with our success in the TICA show rings. We have bred seven champions as of March 2012, one being the first entire "Supreme Grand Championship", our home-bred boy Diesel, and also winning "Best Pixiebob of the Year in the UK and Northern Europe 2008/2009".
Size and that fabulous wild look are very important to us in our Pixie Bob breeding program, and these are two of the things we consistently produce in our Pixie Bobs. All our Pixie Bobs are FeLV, FIV, and Chlamydia tested negative. Our ambition is to create wonderfully healthy cats in every way - physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Registry: TICA - The International Cat Association
Category: Pixie-Bob Breeders
Region: Somerset County, England
Regional Category: Somerset County, England Pixie-Bob Cat Breeders
www.alsoomsepixiebob.com/Anson Road Cats
Tufnell Park
+44 20 7700 0897
+44 7834 96 3000
Pixie Bobs and other exotic urbans in London.
Category: Pixie-Bob Breeders
Region: England
Regional Category: England Pixie-Bob Cat Breeders
www.ansonroad.co.uk/Atticus Maine Coons
Online magazine. Describes cat lines with pedigrees we are working with. Includes our show results.
Category: Maine Coon Breeders
Region: West Sussex County, England
Regional Category: West Sussex County, England Maine Coon Cat Breeders
www.atticusmainecoons.co.uk/Bewdley Boarding Kennels and Cattery
Horsehill Cottage
Bewdley, Nr Kidderminster,
DY12 2TT
01299 400793
We have quality heated, air conditioned, and double glazed cattery accommodation ensuring maximum comfort for your pets' holiday - whatever the weather. Plenty of cuddle and playtimes in our newly refurbished cattery.
Category: Cat Boarding
Region: Worcestershire County, England
Regional Category: Worcestershire County, England Cat Boarding
www.bbkennels.co.uk/Bluezapto Bengals
Registries: TICA - The International Cat Association, GCCF - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, TIBCS - The International Bengal Cat Society, BCCGB - Bengal Cat Club of Great Britain, The, - Bengal Cat Club, The
Category: Bengal Breeders
Region: Essex County, England
Regional Category: Essex County, England Bengal Cat Breeders